Sunday, March 23, 2008

Review: Diary of the Dead

Rating: **1/2

Unfortunately, I had to leave the movie before it was over due to motion sickness. I moved towards the back of th theater about 45 minutes in, but I couldn't shake it off. I really wish filmmakers would stop using the hand-held camera gimmick (Cloverfield, Blair Witch Project). Can't I watch a movie without being made sick? On the other hand, the gimmick was about the only thing that distinguished the movie from the others in the series. The characters were completely unlikeable (annoying college students) and the story was way too heavy handed (you can't possibly miss the "message"). Still, the zombie kills were great. That's the only reason to see it. Since I left early, I probably missed the best parts. I'll watch it again when it comes out on DVD.

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